Location changed, but life did not. 3 busy, active kids and a husband who travels for business, pretty much all of the time. A 112 lb. rescued Weimaraner, who is quite a bit more than a handful. And, I wonder why I haven't been able to keep in touch! My remedy was a blog where I can put everything. Hoping to keep you all informed! Wow! Do I miss you all!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A visitor from CA! Yay!

Shea's friend, Anne spent the Memorial Day weekend with us!  Shea was so excited to have Anne come and visit!  We picked her up at the airport and brought her to our home.  They talked half the night!  Got little sleep and then got up ready to go on Saturday!  Anne was just as shocked by the heat and humidity here as we were when we moved in!  Takes your breath away in the middle of the day-literally.  Thank goodness for the swimming pools!  We met some friends to swim at the pool with the 2 story waterslide.  Then had the S.M.A.R.T. Girls Book Club over to meet Anne that night.  Lots of fun, jumping on the trampoline and checking out funny videos and music on Youtube!  Everyone fell asleep exhausted.

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Books, Websites and other interests I am into these days

  • An Omnivore's Dilemma
  • Lucky Every Day
  • Percy Jackson & The Last Olympian Series
  • Skinny Bitch
  • Thura's Diary
  • French Women Don't Get Fat
  • Realage.com
  • Keeping the S.M.A.R.T. Girls Book Club up and running
  • Bikram Yoga
  • Starting a Reading Circle for the boys